Saturday, August 18, 2012

Out with the Old...In with the New. :)

You're probably asking yourself, "Why in the world did Natalie post a picture of two purses?" Aren't you? Well I will tell you why...About a year ago I was in the big city of Seattle doin some school shopping with my sister, Jessica, and my momma. Well, after we were done, we put all of our bags in our excursion and went to lunch cuz we were completely famished after shopping for hours trying to find the perfect clothes to start a new school year. I also decided to leave my purse in the car cuz my mom said that she would pay since we had bought all of our own clothes. So after our belly's were full, we went back out to our vehicle to discover everything gone....yeah. EVERYTHING. That included all of our cute school clothes and my purse. :( It was very very sad. My sister very nicely gave me her old purse that she had had since about 2004. (That is the purse on the left.) So I have had that purse for a while now and it has treated me well. Lately, Emily has been wanting me to get a new purse because she says that it looks like I stole it from a hobo. :/ So, I finally decided that, since I was about to go to college, I should probably get a more mature and less hobo-ish purse. We went to Ross and found me a new one! :) ( the one on the right.) I love it and I am very excited to start the new chapter of my life with a new purse. I am thankfully no longer a hobo purse wearing girl. This is me! :)

Monday, August 13, 2012

18 Years Old. Finally!! :)

A few days ago I turned the big 18! :) I have waited so stinkin' long for this to happen, and it finally did. Now the day wasn't how I had always wanted it to be. I always thought that I would get up and do something crazy for every second of the day. (And one of those things was going to be skydiving, but I will still get that accomplished sometime before I die!!) But that's not how my day went.... It started off with getting up early and getting dressed. I even put on a cute shirt and earings instead of my usual t-shirt. :) Next, me and Em made breakfast for guests that were staying at the ranch. Then, the next thing we did was cleaned up breakfast and made lunch. Exciting, I know. It gets a lot better, just wait. :)
The next thing that happened was that right after me and Em cleaned up lunch, I went up to my room to find flowers, a card and a present (wrapped in tin foil, might I add) from Josh. :) I immediately turned bright red couldn't stop smiling for the next hour. The present, as you can see, was a shirt. He is an amazing guy and made my day tons better. :)
The flowers from Joshua. :)

Next, Emily made me a birthday cake and it was one of my favorites. Oreo Ice Cream cake. :) She also invited Colby (on the right) to come and join the celebration. He brought me bubbles, zebra gum and a fantastic card that talks!!  Emily is one of the best sister's in the whole entire universe!! I don't know what I would do without her! :/
Me makin' my birthday wish. :) And no, I cannot tell you what I wished for. 

And that wasn't even all, after dinner was all cleaned up and we were done for the day, I got to go on a ride with Emily, Josh, and Colby. :) It was a blast!! So all-in-all, I had the best 18th birthday that I could ever ask for. And it was a team effort, Emily made me a birthday cake and made me laugh all the day long. Josh got me flowers and made me smile every second of the day. And my brothers and sisters called me and sang with their lovely voices to me and made my ears smile. And no...I wasn't being sarcastic whatsoever! ;) So even though I didn't go skydiving or by any lotto tickets, I had a fantastic, amazing, swell, awesome, and splendid day. And...This is me! :)