Thursday, September 27, 2012

Jacob Hunter Boyd's Farewell. :)

I know that I have only been at college for 2 weeks, but it's never too early for a visit to my favorite place in the whole entire world...home. :) Especially if it's for one of my best friends farewell! So on Friday, me, Devon(fried from many years ago), Madison(friend for many years), and Kayti (Jacob's cousin) packed up and headed to good ol' Caldwell. Devon stayed at my house and that is the reason for the many adventures that I had while I was at home. They went like this....
 I was able to see this beautiful girl! AKA my niece AKA Ezra Hailey McIntyre. :) She, even though she hadn't seen my in a while, came right up to me and reached her hands way up high for me to hold her so I scooped her right into my arms and hugged her tight. :) I love that little girl and her adorable smile.
Next, me and Devon jumped on the 4-wheelers and rode around the farm to see what we could see then decided to try out cow riding. We weren't too successful since the cows are so intimidating and all (especially when they're staring you down...) but we gave it our all! 
 Then, we cranked out more cookies than have ever been cranked before! 203...203 cookies I tell ya! That's an insane amount of cookies and we didn't double the batch or nothin'! It was ridiculous!!! Devon even broke a spoon in the stirring process...yes...that is how intense it was.
 As I was in the kitchen chillin' with my momma, there was a huge BANG! BANG! 
I about jumped right outta my skin. I thought someone was out to get me, but then I figured out that it was just my big brother shooting one of the many cats that have decided to make my house their home. Yeah! That's what they get for stealing Steve's (my dad's cat) food! 
 And I ended my fantastic day with a ride on my brother's motorcycle. :) It was so fun and brought back tons many memories of my childhood when Ben would take me on lotsa rides just because. :) I love my big brother!!!!!
I was so grateful that I got to end my trip with listening to an amazing guy, that I have known for 17 years, talk about how excited he is to go and serve the Lord for 2 whole years. He did awesome and I know that he will do even better on his mission. He is a great friend, guy, and now missionary. :) I'm gonna miss that goofy kid! 

So all-in-all I had a fantastic trip and I already miss Caldwell and family. I can't wait to go back in a month and visit them again. :) So yeah, I'm a niece lovin', cow ridin', cookie makin', sister of a cat shootin', motorcycle ridin', and friend of a missionary goin' girl! 
And this is me! :)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

I'm a College Girl, in a College World!

So here's a story...many moons ago on a crisp August 6th day, a little girl was born to a loving family in a quaint town. This little girl was their 9th child and they couldn't have been happier to have one more addition to their family. As this little girl was growing up, she watched many of her siblings go off to college and create their new lives. Every time one more of her siblings would leave, this little girl would be so sad and just wish that she could one day go off and lead a life of her own. Well 18 years later, her dream finally came true. She packed up all of her things and traveled down a long road to meet this new life of hers. As she arrived at her apartment, she got even more excited and couldn't wait for her journey to begin. Her parents were sad to leave her and she was also. It seemed that it was much harder to leave the comfort of her home than she thought, and move away to a big scary college where she felt like she was just a small child visiting her brothers and sisters. But she wasn't. This was her chance to start a new life. 

Now as you probably have guessed, that little girl is me. It feels so strange to be here at BYU-I. I still don't feel like I belong, but hopefully that will change when I start my classes tomorrow. It might be scary, but I know that I can do it. :) 

This is my desk with my LAPTOP!!!!!! :) I finally got one after years and years of waiting and wanting. :)

All my jewelry. :) and yes, I did make that earring hanger...thanks for asking!

My fantastic, amazing, cute and comfy bed. Even though the sheets smell like paint and feel like shower curtains, I still love it. :)
It's weird to say, but I am finally a college goin girl!! :) So here goes...wish me luck on my first day of school. This is me! :)