Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Hunger's Catching Up to Me! :/

So after 3 consecutive days of eating only veggies and fruit and only drinking water, I was ecstatic to be able to eat bananas and drink milk today!! But as the day has gone on, I now just wanna eat everything that's in sight! :/ Its terrible! Not to mention my mom just got knee surgery so everyone and their dog are bringing over tons of delicious food and treats! It's killin me! So as my mom and dad are eating chicken alfredo and french bread with a salad and ranch, I'm over here munch in on carrots and celery. Yummmmm....But I know that it's gonna be worth it right? RIGHT! I can do it!! Just a few more days! Stay with me here!! This is me! :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm Gonna Need Some Help..

I might be a lil crazy, who knows! But I decided to do a cleanse! My body just feels really a cleanse is the best option for that! :) I'm really gonna need some support because I don't have anyone else doing this with me. (Last time I had 2 of my sisters) Yesterday was the first day and all I got to eat and drink was water and fruit..but good thing I love fruit right!! The only down side was that I had to go #1 like nobodies business!! Goodness. You probably didn't want to know that...oh well! It' parta life. So I have 1 day down and 6 more to go! I can do this!!!! This is me! :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

It's Skatin' Time! :)

So if you've ever been to a singles ward you start to become a little weary of the activities that are planned because sometimes they can be a titch....strange. But this activity was bound to be great because we were going to ICE WORLD!!!! It is a place where you can go and watch people make a fool of themselves and then make a fool outta yourself too! It's the best, I love it! (as Nacho would say) 

Me and Madison have gotten to be really close while home this semester. :) I don't know what I would do without her here!! :/ It would be bad news! We just skated around and had a blast chattin and laughin and fallin. Okay that last part was only for me...BUT still!

Me and my gang! (I'll award 10 gold stars to whomever can name who sings that song!) These folks are some of the best people around!! We had so much fun playing tag and helping each other up as we fell down. We all congregated at Shari's afterwords for some well earned food. I don't think the people that worked there liked us too much, but hey! We gave them money!! I couldn't have asked for a better spent night! :) I am one happy girl and this is me! :)