Thursday, December 27, 2012

I Got me Some Cute Nieces/Nephews

Well folks, it's time for me to brag. I usually wouldn't do this, but I have to in this case! So here goes. I am the luckiest girl in the world at this very moment! I have 16 nieces and nephews with one more on the way. There are all so cute/handsome, fun, hilarious, and quirky. Lately they have all (except my oldest sister's 4 kids) been over at my home and filling it with laughter and noise which I have learned to love. :) Lately there has been a lot of children hurt or killed leaving their families with silence in their homes. I am so grateful that all of my nieces and nephews and their existence in my life. My family would not be complete without every single one of them to fill in the spaces. :) I love every one of those crazy kids. Bentley William, Bridon Stanley, Emerson Eliza, Ellee Lyn, Seth Samuel, Sarah Jewel, Kathryn Hope, Luke William, Heston Bradley, Henley Rue, Elsie Corinne, Emmett Cash, Ezra Haylee, Katy Lynn, Ryan Christopher, and Grace Lauryn. Here are some pictures of some of them..I just got a new camera so I only have a few pictures to choose from. :(

Emerson holding her new baby sister Ellee. 

Grace and Emerson playin' dollies together. They're gonna be great friends. I just know it! :)

Katy holding one of the twins/newest editions to my big family: Emmett.

With all of my nieces and nephews and their parents, there are now 33 people in my family and that couldn't be a more perfect number. :) And in May when my brother and sister-in-law have their first baby, 34 will be the perfect number. I love my family more than anyone could ever love anyone!! They are my safe haven. I would be so lost and alone because even though friends are great, they can't always be there for you like a family can. So there you have them. All the grandkids in all of their amazing glory! :) I am a lucky lucky lucky aunt. And this is me! :)


  1. And these little people are very blessed to have you for an aunt. And we are blessed to have you as our daughter. Love you

  2. Call em "Niephews", it's gonna be BIG...someday...
