Thursday, June 13, 2013

One of those Days that I'm gonna Miss..

Lately my life has consisted of work, work, aaand oh yeah! More work. It's kinda sucky, but because I know I am earning this money for my mission, it makes it a little bit easier. So since I work basically everyday, when a day off comes around, I milk it for all it's worth especially because in exactly 2 months from tomorrow, I will be on a plane to Argentina and wont be back for 18 months. So yesterday, and today too, I had off! Crazy right?? So what do I do? Spend my whole day with my sister/best friend! We got up at 8 in the morning and walked all the way to the little town of Marsing, Idaho. It's about 6 miles and we got it done in 2 hours! We had lunch at the infamous Spot Pizza and we woulda walked home but Emily got a call from the Orchard House and she got an interview so we had to have our Mom come and pick us up so that she could make the interview. (Which she nailed and got the job btdubbs..) After her interview we got all of our shopping done for our family reunion that is quickly approaching! Then the rest of the day was filled with relaxing out in the sun, spray painting sprinklers, and 4-wheeler rides. :)

To someone who doesn't know mine and Emily's relationship or is super high maintenance, probably wouldn't have enjoyed my day yesterday. But to me, yesterday is gonna be one of those days that I look back on and say, "I miss that." Emily is one amazing sister and even though I still have 2 months until I leave, I can't even think about leaving her or else I will tear up. It's bad news. Don't get me wrong! I will miss all of my family and my friends too, but me and Em have been through A LOT together and I can't remember a day when we didn't talk to each other, even if it was only a quick text. She is my bestestestest (don't worry, I asked my dear friend Weber, it's a word) friend in the world, and I will miss her mucho! Lova ya Em! 

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