Day 10-13: (Mosiah 16 - Alma 10) Have you ever done something bad, and felt really terrible for doing it? I have!! I hate that feeling. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to go to my Heavenly Father and tell Him what I've done wrong and repent, but I just have to remember that He already knows what I've done and He loves me and always wants me to come to Him and ask for forgiveness no matter what I've done. There is a scripture that I really like that goes along with this and it says, "...the Lord will be merciful unto all who call on his name." (Alma 9:17)
So this isn't part of what I read, but I thought of it as I was reading one night so that counts right? Okay weeds are very easy to spread. Either the wind can blow seeds, or seeds can get on your shoe and then get planted somewhere, or (my dad told me this one) a bird can poop a seed out and it can plant a weed. And then the weeds flourish and keep growing for so long without any care. But, if you want to remove the weeds, it takes work and sweat and you have to keep pulling the weeds or else they'll be back! But this isn't the case for good plants such as fruit, crops, veggies, etc. If you want them to grow, you have to plant them in the ground, water them, nourish them, make sure they get enough sunlight, etc. Then you have to constantly watch over them and make they aren't getting too much or not enough of one thing or another. And then, at the end of the year, you finally get your crops IF you did everything right. IF. And then you start all over the next year, whereas weeds will start back up where they ended the summer before. So in life, unless we watch over ourselves and watch what we do and say and how we act, weeds will start popping up and if we dont do anything about them, they will start spreading and taking over. So, we need to constantly be "pulling the weeds" out of our lives.
I hope that made sense. I know it was a lot of rambling, and I'm not the best writer to ever exist, but you get the gist right? Hopefully? Sweet! Well I hope you have gotten at least one bit of knowledge from my brain. This is me. :)
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