Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Last One's

Whenever I'm counting down to something there's always a saying that I use quite frequently. This is the last time I'll (fill in the blank). As I've been counting down the days until my mission, there's been quite a few of them. I can't think about them too much or I start crying and then it's a mess! So here are a few of my "Last One's":

Last day of work...

Last trip with my sister (well part of them anyways)...

Last time seeing Jacqueline...
Last time being all together as a family...
Last Dentist appointment...
Last day being 18....
Last time I see Jessica, Jen, Chris, Katy, Ryan and Grace (since they can't come to my farewell)...
Last hair cut...
Last date with Emily...

And many many more! Then there's ones that are coming up like:
Last fast Sunday...
Last time I see my family...
Last time I see my friends...
Last time I listen to music...
Last full day at home...
Last family dinner...
Last date with my dad...
Last thirsty Thursday...
Last time swimming...
Last day in Idaho...

I could go on for awhile but I won't. You can just imagine all of the "Last One's". It's pretty sad to think about but I am so excited and ready to go serve the Lord for a year and a half. Watch out people of Paraguay! Hermana McIntyre is on her way!! :)

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