Tuesday, June 12, 2012

My Love has Been Renewed. :)

Ever since I was a little girl, I have loved horses. I was constantly trying to convince my parents to let me have one, but the answer was never what I wanted. My dad, being the farmer that he is, believed that horses were just money and hay eaters. (So basically they just sit there, eat hay, and do nothing) And then my mom didn't want to have another "child" to take care of. Now this isn't a dis on my parents my any means. They knew what was best for me and I only feel a little hole in my heart that only a horse could have filled. ;) Now, this hole is finally being filled by my job. I get to be around about tons of horses everyday! I love it!! I have ridden horses almost everyday and I just can't seem to get enough of it. (Even though I get a little saddle sore and my knees make me feel like an old woman every time I ride) My favorite horse is probably Dante. (Sorry I don't have a picture of him) He is black with a little white patch on his forehead and is kinda spunky which I like. I went on a cattle drive with him and even though he ran me into a tree, made me almost fall off of him, and gave me a large bruise on my thigh, I still like him. :)
Me and Buckwheat. :) (Excuse my grammar...school's out.)
This is Duke. He is one of the newest horses to the ranch and he is huge. That can be explained by the fact that he is a draft horse and he's just cool like that. The cowboy next to me is Josh. He works here on the ranch with me and is awesome!!
There are tines of other horses up here, but I don't like them or know them too much yet. But yeah, there's an update on my life. I'm a farm girl that is living on a ranch cooking for hungry men everyday and riding horses anytime I want. :) This is me!

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