Monday, July 8, 2013

Book of Mormon in 30 Days!

So the other day I was thinking about how short of amount of time I have before I leave for my mission. As of today, I only have 36 days left!! Crazy right?? :) Then, realization hit me. I ONLY HAVE 36 DAYS TO GET READY!!!! :O It's a good thing, but this girl has a LOT to do in order to be ready to leave America for 18 months to teach the people of Paraguay about the gospel! So, one thing that I know I need to do is re-read the Book of Mormon. I love this book sooo much and so it isn't a hard task to accomplish. BUT it is kinda lengthy and I don't exactly have much time, so I found this 30 Day Book of Mormon Reading Chart. I started yesterday so that will put me to finish on August 8th. Just in the nick of time I'd say! :) So I've decided that I will return and report to you er'y day on what I learned in reading in the Book of Mormon because even though I have read it through 4 times now, I still learn a ton every time I read it. :) Ready?!? 

Day1&2: (1 Nephi 1-16) I learned/realized quite a few things while I read these chapters. 1st, it takes a lot of faith to follow the will of Heavenly Father. Sometimes, what He wants me to do isn't exactly what I had in mind, but if my faith in Him is strong enough, I will always be able to accomplish whatever He asks of me. :) 2nd, in 1 Nephi 15:10 it says, "How is it that ye do not keep the commandments of the Lord?" All Heavenly Father wants is for me and all of His children to keep His commandments. He promises us so many blessings if we will follow Him. Sometimes it's really difficult to keep the commandments, but in the end it is so worth it because I am blessed with so much. "If you love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) 3rd, the gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple. Just try your hardest to be your best and that is enough. Heavenly Father knows the intent of my heart and so if what I'm giving is my all and I still mess up every day, which I do, then He is okay with that. Simple right? Satan is the one that complicates everything and makes everything so confusing. (1 Corinthians 14:33) And 4th, Satan is very powerful and can convince man to do many wicked things. He has even provided a way to be able to control people here on earth by taking away their agency i.e. drugs or alcohol. But Heavenly Father is much more powerful and is able to reign over Satan if you let Him into your life. Heavenly Father will always be there for me when I need Him. He is very forgiving and will never give up on me no matter how many times I turn away from Him or mess up. I am so lucky to be able to have Him watching over me and I hope to never to do anything to have that protection taken away.

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