Monday, March 4, 2013

8.1 is my New Favorite Number!! I'm done!

Okay so this picture is kinda weird..I have no clue why someone would put a flower in a picture of fat because there is no way that fat can be cute in any way! Anyways... When I woke up this morning I was petrified to step on the scale! My heat was beating so fast just thinking about it! But I followed the cleanse so well that there was no way that I couldn't lose at least a couple pounds!! I was hoping for 5 maybe 6 pounds if I was lucky cuz I didn't want to get my hopes up too high.. But I finally got the courage and stepped on the scale and I started smiling so big and jumping up and down when I saw that I was down 8.1 pounds!!!! Oh man am I happy and feeling good! 

This is only 5 pounds and I lost 8.1!! WOOHOO! :)
The only sad thing about losing weight is that my favorite jeans are a lil' big on me...:( But I can live with that fact and maybe I'll just have to go and buy me some new ones! After suffering through this cleanse I deserve that right?? I thought so! :) So I know that I've said a lot of negative things about this cleanse but it is definitely worth it in the end!!! It has helped me learn self control because after turning down some of my favorite foods, I can for sure turn down the calories that aren't even worth it! I am so glad that I was able to finish this cleanse and so grateful that it's over!! :) Man am I happy! This is me!! :) 8.1 pounds lighter! 

P.S. If anyone wants to do this cleanse the link is: 
Good Luck! You can do it!!!

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