Wednesday, August 7, 2013

All it Takes is a Little Faith

I'm really sorry if I have annoyed you with all of my posts, but I'm almost done so just hang in there with me for one more after this one! I, for one, am so proud of myself! I have stuck to my goal and read every day and what a blessing it has been! :) I have learned so much and have grown a ton as a person. Whenever I had a spare moment I would grab my glasses and Book of Mormon, go out on the porch, and get readin! I have loved every minute of it!

Day 27 - 29: (Mormon 8 - End of Ether) So Ether is now one of my favorite books in the Book of Mormon! There is soooo much to learn in every verse. But chapter 12 of Ether is all about faith and it was very fitting to my life right now. In 6 days, I will be leaving my family, friends, and comfort of my home to go to Paraguay for a year and a half. It takes a lot of faith to do that on my part and on my families part too. I have to trust in the Lord that what I'm doing is right and that I will be safe and whatever happens is supposed to happen. So it says a ton of times in chapter 12 that nothing can happen unless you have faith. Heavenly Father cannot bring blessings and miracles unto you unless your faith is completely in Him. One verse (verse 6) in particular says, " is things which are hoped for and not seen..." This gospel takes a lot of faith. Faith that Heavenly Father really does exist, that He loves me and knows me. Faith that there is a place beyond this earth and that after this life, Heaven will be awaiting me. Faith that Joseph Smith isn't just some crazy man who wrote a book, that he translated it by the faith that he had and the power of God. All of those things are not tangible. They cannot be touched or carried or held. All you need is just a little bit of faith at first. If that's all you can give than that is enough. Your faith will grow as you read the scriptures and pray. I know this to be true and I believe with all of my heart. 

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