Thursday, November 29, 2012

Aunt and Niece Date Night!! :) Par-tay!

While I was home for Thanksgiving break, I realized that the Canyon County Honor Choir was performing! I thought to myself, "Hey! I could go and see one of my best friends perform and get a homework assignment done all in one night! Saweet!!" But then I figured that I would have to go by myself since none of my other family members are into choir stuff..but then a great idea came into my brain! I could take my 3 oldest nieces and make it a date out of it!

(From left to Right: Me, Sarah, Kathryn, and Katy) We started it out by going to Red Robin, because a date just wouldn't be a date without the dinner. It was way fun to just sit and chat with these crazy girls and get to know them a little bit better. They're nuts!!! Like me. :) Then we headed off to the concert, which sadly, I got no pictures at...:( It was great to listen to the music and see Jackson again. :) It made me miss choir sooo much though. After the concert, Jackson accompanied us to Sonic to get a frozen treat and just to chat for a lil' bit. The girls LOVED Jackson, and Katy a bit too much. She couldn't stop talking about him all the way home. She even said that she wants to marry him because, "he had a cute face and made her laugh." Oh...if only it was that simple. Haha I had a great time with these girls!  I love them lots and am very proud to be able to see them grow up into beautiful daughters of God. And This is Me. :)

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