Thursday, November 15, 2012

Photo Booth and Funny Faces. :)

So to explain..for college I got a macbook pro. And what came with it is a little something called Photo Booth. It has now become my favorite past time as I'm sure you will be able to tell in the following pictures. Whenever I need a laugh or I am bored outta my mind, I just open Photo Booth and go at it! :)

This one was in the MC. I was doing homework while waiting for my study group to show up and this is what happened. I took lots and lotsa pictures and got lots and lotsa weird looks from the people around me that kept seeing me make a weird face and then a flash go off. I'm  just havin fun okay??

This beaut happened while Em and I were all alone in the apartment trying to do homework..we actually had done quite a bit, but then we decided that we were in need of a break. And no, there are no affects to this one, but I just love it so much, I couldn't resist sharing it with all y'all! :) 

Introducing Jacqueline!!! One of the best roommates eva! She is great and I love her and will miss her tons when I go home fer the winter semester. :( But anyways, we took this while we were just sittin in our living room and not doin much. This provided much laughter and a trip to the bathroom..if ya know what I mean... 

Okay. No judgment on this one. I had just woken up and didn't look too stellar. This is from one of my visits home. Ezra and me decided that we wanted a photo shoot and this is what turned out. :) Man....we are gooooood lookin! But, right after this picture, when Ezra saw what she looked like, she burst into tears! I felt really bad, but it was kinda funny at the same time.

And now to end on a good note. This is just one that I took after church on my first Sunday here. I am tryin something out and gonna be nicer to myself. I often look in the mirror and think: I don't like this, and I don't like that. But I need to realize that I am a daughter of God and that he loves me so much and that every time I think somethin negative about myself, it makes Him very sad. So here goes Heavenly Father. This ones for you!! :)

10 Things that I Love About Me:
1. My hair color
2. My straight teeth
3. My ability to make others laugh
4. My love for kids
5. My work ethic
6. My bum
7. My style
8. My feet
9. My pinkies
10. My freckles

And there it is. Laid out for all of you to see. Why don't you give it a try? It might be kinda hard at first, but in the end, it'll be worth it!! And This is Me. :)

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