Monday, August 12, 2013

Through the Lord, I Can Do Hard Things.

Day 30: I finished!! I am so proud of myself!! Okay so for this last post of my Book of Mormon reading and also until I'm back in a year and a half, I feel like I just should bear my testimony of the gospel. I know that this church is true and I am so grateful for it. It has led me down the right path and without it I would be headed in the complete wrong direction. I have a testimony of the Book of Mormon and I know that fi you read it and then pray to know if it's true, Heavenly Father will answer you. I am very very excited and nervous and a little scared to go on a mission, but I know that through the Lord, I can do hard things. 

If any of you wanna see what I'm up to during my mission, Emily will be posting on a blog for me. :) here's the link: 

I love you all and I'll see you in 18 months! Adios!! :)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Last One's

Whenever I'm counting down to something there's always a saying that I use quite frequently. This is the last time I'll (fill in the blank). As I've been counting down the days until my mission, there's been quite a few of them. I can't think about them too much or I start crying and then it's a mess! So here are a few of my "Last One's":

Last day of work...

Last trip with my sister (well part of them anyways)...

Last time seeing Jacqueline...
Last time being all together as a family...
Last Dentist appointment...
Last day being 18....
Last time I see Jessica, Jen, Chris, Katy, Ryan and Grace (since they can't come to my farewell)...
Last hair cut...
Last date with Emily...

And many many more! Then there's ones that are coming up like:
Last fast Sunday...
Last time I see my family...
Last time I see my friends...
Last time I listen to music...
Last full day at home...
Last family dinner...
Last date with my dad...
Last thirsty Thursday...
Last time swimming...
Last day in Idaho...

I could go on for awhile but I won't. You can just imagine all of the "Last One's". It's pretty sad to think about but I am so excited and ready to go serve the Lord for a year and a half. Watch out people of Paraguay! Hermana McIntyre is on her way!! :)

All it Takes is a Little Faith

I'm really sorry if I have annoyed you with all of my posts, but I'm almost done so just hang in there with me for one more after this one! I, for one, am so proud of myself! I have stuck to my goal and read every day and what a blessing it has been! :) I have learned so much and have grown a ton as a person. Whenever I had a spare moment I would grab my glasses and Book of Mormon, go out on the porch, and get readin! I have loved every minute of it!

Day 27 - 29: (Mormon 8 - End of Ether) So Ether is now one of my favorite books in the Book of Mormon! There is soooo much to learn in every verse. But chapter 12 of Ether is all about faith and it was very fitting to my life right now. In 6 days, I will be leaving my family, friends, and comfort of my home to go to Paraguay for a year and a half. It takes a lot of faith to do that on my part and on my families part too. I have to trust in the Lord that what I'm doing is right and that I will be safe and whatever happens is supposed to happen. So it says a ton of times in chapter 12 that nothing can happen unless you have faith. Heavenly Father cannot bring blessings and miracles unto you unless your faith is completely in Him. One verse (verse 6) in particular says, " is things which are hoped for and not seen..." This gospel takes a lot of faith. Faith that Heavenly Father really does exist, that He loves me and knows me. Faith that there is a place beyond this earth and that after this life, Heaven will be awaiting me. Faith that Joseph Smith isn't just some crazy man who wrote a book, that he translated it by the faith that he had and the power of God. All of those things are not tangible. They cannot be touched or carried or held. All you need is just a little bit of faith at first. If that's all you can give than that is enough. Your faith will grow as you read the scriptures and pray. I know this to be true and I believe with all of my heart. 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Choose your Path Wisely

Day 19 - 26: (Alma 46 - End of 3rd Nephi) That's a lotta days....I really am sorry but seeing as I leave in 8 days, I have had so much to do! Now don't you worry, cuz I know you were, I have read every single day! I just haven't had the time to post, so sorry if it's a lil' longer than usual. I'll try to keep it brief. 

The first thing is from Helaman 14:30-31. It says, "And now remember, remember, my brethren, that whosoever perisheth, perisheth unto himself; and whosoever doeth iniquity, doeth it unto himself; for behold, ye are free; ye are permitted to act for yourselves; for behold, God hath given unto you a knowledge and he hath made you free. He hath given unto you that ye might know good from evil, and he hath given unto you that ye might choose life or death; and ye can do good and be restored unto that which is good, or have that which is good restored unto you; or ye can do evil, and have that which is evil restored unto you." So, last semester at BYU-Idaho I took this Book of Mormon class and my professor would say, "ACT AND DON'T BE ACTED UPON!!" at least once every day. So now that is stuck in my head and I am grateful! Everyone on this earth has agency. We can all choose to do good or to do evil. So it is up to us if we go to Heaven or Hell. Harsh, but true.

The next and last thing is a verse that I used to be very confused by when I was younger, but now I LOVE! It's in 3 Nephi 27:33 "Enter ye in at the strait gate; for strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it; but wide is the gate, and broad the way which leads to death, and many there be that travel therein, until the night cometh, wherein no man can work." Okay, so when I was little, I was like, "Wait a minute! Why would Heavenly Father make it so that the way was narrow to get back to Heaven?!?!" Shouldn't it be wide so that we wont fall off of the sides? But now I understand! Heavenly Father has given us a straight and narrow path that is super easy to follow so that we can easily make it back to Him. It's kinda strict, and sometimes hard, but in the end so worth it! Then the path to death and Hell is pretty wide. There's lots of ways to get there, you don't have to do one specific thing to end up there. You could lead one life style, then another, then another, and would still end up in Hell. So my advise..choose your path wisely. 

Friday, July 26, 2013

Wickedness Never was Happiness

Day 17&18 - (Alma 31-Alma 45) Okay. This one's a good one! Have you ever heard of the scripture: "Eat, drink, and be merry for tomorrow we die"? Well here is a scripture that will make you want to never ever follow that saying again. It's in Alma 34:35. It says, "For behold, if ye have procrastinated the day of your repentance even until death, behold, ye have becomsubjected to the spirit of the devil, and he doth seal you his; therefore, the Spirit of the Lord hath withdrawn from you, and hath no place in you, and the devil hath all power over you; and this is the final state of the wicked." So this is saying that whenever you sin, you should get down on your knees and repent then and there. Don't just sit around and think, "I'll just wait cuz I'm probably gonna mess up tomorrow too." That is not good to do. What if you died tomorrow or today even? You never know when your time will be up, and if you have procrastinated the day of your repentance, you're really gonna regret it. Sinning might be fun in the moment, but when you are in front of God on judgment day, remembering everything that you've done, you're going to be wishing that you repented a little more and sinned a little less. 
Man, as all of this was coming to my mind last night and today, I told myself that I need to kick it in gear. I will never be convicted of premeditated sin. When I sin, because sadly I will a time or two more before I die, I am promising to myself that I will repent immediately and try my very best, because that's all Heavenly Father asks, to never do it again.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

It's Never Too Late

Day 14-16: (Alma 11 - Alma 31) In these 3 days of reading something has really stuck with me. It's never too late. 
So if you don't know who these 2 guys are, their names are Laman and Lemuel and I've talked about them before. (I don't think they actually look like this, but this is one that I just found on google...) They were the sons of Lehi who left Jerusalem. They really struggled following their father and the commandments of God. No matter what, it seemed like they just could not get the hang of the do-the-right-thing-always thing. So, eventually, they left their family behind and took their wives and children and became the notorious Lamanites. They were the cause of a TON of sorrow and bloodshed. But, after years and years of them killing every Nephite (or person of God) that they came in contact with, they started to slowly realize that the traditions of their fathers were wicked and that they really needed to repent and start doing the right things. So they did! The story of the Lamanites and their journey of coming back to the gospel is really cool to me because it shows that it's never too late. Even if you've committed a lot of sin, Heavenly Father will still forgive you and you will still be able to live with Him again because Christ already atoned for your sins. Doesn't that make you so happy? It makes me happy!! :)

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Day 10 &11 &12 &13

Day 10-13: (Mosiah 16 - Alma 10) Have you ever done something bad, and felt really terrible for doing it? I have!! I hate that feeling. Sometimes I feel embarrassed to go to my Heavenly Father and tell Him what I've done wrong and repent, but I just have to remember that He already knows what I've done and He loves me and always wants me to come to Him and ask for forgiveness no matter what I've done. There is a scripture that I really like that goes along with this and it says, "...the Lord will be merciful unto all who call on his name." (Alma 9:17) 

So this isn't part of what I read, but I thought of it as I was reading one night so that counts right? Okay weeds are very easy to spread. Either the wind can blow seeds, or seeds can get on your shoe and then get planted somewhere, or (my dad told me this one) a bird can poop a seed out and it can plant a weed. And then the weeds flourish and keep growing for so long without any care. But, if you want to remove the weeds, it takes work and sweat and you have to keep pulling the weeds or else they'll be back! But this isn't the case for good plants such as fruit, crops, veggies, etc. If you want them to grow, you have to plant them in the ground, water them, nourish them, make sure they get enough sunlight, etc. Then you have to constantly watch over them and make they aren't getting too much or not enough of one thing or another. And then, at the end of the year, you finally get your crops IF you did everything right. IF. And then you start all over the next year, whereas weeds will start back up where they ended the summer before. So in life, unless we watch over ourselves and watch what we do and say and how we act, weeds will start popping up and if we dont do anything about them, they will start spreading and taking over. So, we need to constantly be "pulling the weeds" out of our lives.

I hope that made sense. I know it was a lot of rambling, and I'm not the best writer to ever exist, but you get the gist right? Hopefully? Sweet! Well I hope you have gotten at least one bit of knowledge from my brain. This is me. :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013


Okay I'm really sorry! I promise, I have been reading everyday and staying on-track, but I just havent posted anything! Don't be mad at me okay?! I am now on Day 10! Times flies doesn't it? Especially when yer counting down the days (28 btdubbs...) to when you will be in South America for the next year and a half! AHHHH!! Okay so here's what I havent told you:

Day 4-9: (2 Nephi 7 - Mosiah 16) So I could go on and on and on for ages and tell you everything that I've learned in the books and chapters that I've read, but that would be one stinkin long post and aint nobody got time for that! Can I get an amen? So what I've decided to do is pick one thing that has stood out to me the most while I was reading the past few days. I picked something that is repeated so many times throughout the Book of Mormon. Keep the commandments and ye shall prosper in the land. If I had a dollar for every time that that saying is said, I'd be rich! But that's the sad part. It is said so many times and yet, the Nephites and especially the Lamanites still cannot seem to keep the commandments. Heavenly Father has said, "When ye do what I say I am bound, but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise." So, Heavenly Father has promised us the world!! Literally, He has given us this world and everything on it, and all He asks us is to keep His commandments. And if we do, He will give us SO many blessings. More than we would even be able to count! But if we don't keep His commandments, "ye have no promise." We will no longer receive blessings from Him and our lives will be pretty rough. I know, that when I die, I want to be able to stand before my Heavenly Father guiltless and unashamed. Sometimes I am slow to keep His commandments, but I know that as long as I repent and go to my Heavenly Father with a broken heart and contrite spirit, He will forgive me and help me become stronger. And I love Him so much for that. 

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

People Those Days..

Day 3: (1 Nephi 17-22) Okay. I just have a titch of venting to do. That's what blogs are for anyways, right?! So as I was reading along tonight, I became more and more angry at Lamen and Lemuel. They see Heavenly Father and hear Him speak so many times in their lives and still murmur like no other! I mean, COME ON NOW! If I saw Heavenly Father just once...I would never EVER do anything wrong EVER again! I just get so confused every time I read the chapters about how much they speak against their father and brother even though they are almost killed by God so many times! Goodness...people those days. But as I was reading and thinking this, I realized that I do the same thing!!! Now, I've never seen God or heard His voice, but I've had quite a few miracles happen in my life, and I have the scriptures that have Him speaking in them, and yet, I still do dumb things and mess up all the time! What am I thinkin?? I'm not. I know that Heavenly Father has the power to do anything, I mean, He created this earth and everything on it, so He has the power to destroy it all so easily. I know that I need to be a better person. That is something that I work on every day. So here are my goals to becoming a better person:
1. No judging! I catch myself doing this all the time and it's gotta stop. Everyone is a child of God and is just as imperfect as I am.
2. Pray more. Heavenly Father wants me to talk to Him and sometimes I am "too tired" to just have one conversation with Him. Sad right? Well, that's gonna change.
3. Slow down. This world is going way too fast and I miss way too much when I get caught up in it. I'm gonna be leavin in 35 days so I need to focus on what's important and makes lots of memories while I can. :)
4. Do more random acts of kindness. Sometimes I feel like this world has become one focused on getting gain. Well sometimes, it's good to serve someone just for the heck of it.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Book of Mormon in 30 Days!

So the other day I was thinking about how short of amount of time I have before I leave for my mission. As of today, I only have 36 days left!! Crazy right?? :) Then, realization hit me. I ONLY HAVE 36 DAYS TO GET READY!!!! :O It's a good thing, but this girl has a LOT to do in order to be ready to leave America for 18 months to teach the people of Paraguay about the gospel! So, one thing that I know I need to do is re-read the Book of Mormon. I love this book sooo much and so it isn't a hard task to accomplish. BUT it is kinda lengthy and I don't exactly have much time, so I found this 30 Day Book of Mormon Reading Chart. I started yesterday so that will put me to finish on August 8th. Just in the nick of time I'd say! :) So I've decided that I will return and report to you er'y day on what I learned in reading in the Book of Mormon because even though I have read it through 4 times now, I still learn a ton every time I read it. :) Ready?!? 

Day1&2: (1 Nephi 1-16) I learned/realized quite a few things while I read these chapters. 1st, it takes a lot of faith to follow the will of Heavenly Father. Sometimes, what He wants me to do isn't exactly what I had in mind, but if my faith in Him is strong enough, I will always be able to accomplish whatever He asks of me. :) 2nd, in 1 Nephi 15:10 it says, "How is it that ye do not keep the commandments of the Lord?" All Heavenly Father wants is for me and all of His children to keep His commandments. He promises us so many blessings if we will follow Him. Sometimes it's really difficult to keep the commandments, but in the end it is so worth it because I am blessed with so much. "If you love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) 3rd, the gospel of Jesus Christ is so simple. Just try your hardest to be your best and that is enough. Heavenly Father knows the intent of my heart and so if what I'm giving is my all and I still mess up every day, which I do, then He is okay with that. Simple right? Satan is the one that complicates everything and makes everything so confusing. (1 Corinthians 14:33) And 4th, Satan is very powerful and can convince man to do many wicked things. He has even provided a way to be able to control people here on earth by taking away their agency i.e. drugs or alcohol. But Heavenly Father is much more powerful and is able to reign over Satan if you let Him into your life. Heavenly Father will always be there for me when I need Him. He is very forgiving and will never give up on me no matter how many times I turn away from Him or mess up. I am so lucky to be able to have Him watching over me and I hope to never to do anything to have that protection taken away.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

One of those Days that I'm gonna Miss..

Lately my life has consisted of work, work, aaand oh yeah! More work. It's kinda sucky, but because I know I am earning this money for my mission, it makes it a little bit easier. So since I work basically everyday, when a day off comes around, I milk it for all it's worth especially because in exactly 2 months from tomorrow, I will be on a plane to Argentina and wont be back for 18 months. So yesterday, and today too, I had off! Crazy right?? So what do I do? Spend my whole day with my sister/best friend! We got up at 8 in the morning and walked all the way to the little town of Marsing, Idaho. It's about 6 miles and we got it done in 2 hours! We had lunch at the infamous Spot Pizza and we woulda walked home but Emily got a call from the Orchard House and she got an interview so we had to have our Mom come and pick us up so that she could make the interview. (Which she nailed and got the job btdubbs..) After her interview we got all of our shopping done for our family reunion that is quickly approaching! Then the rest of the day was filled with relaxing out in the sun, spray painting sprinklers, and 4-wheeler rides. :)

To someone who doesn't know mine and Emily's relationship or is super high maintenance, probably wouldn't have enjoyed my day yesterday. But to me, yesterday is gonna be one of those days that I look back on and say, "I miss that." Emily is one amazing sister and even though I still have 2 months until I leave, I can't even think about leaving her or else I will tear up. It's bad news. Don't get me wrong! I will miss all of my family and my friends too, but me and Em have been through A LOT together and I can't remember a day when we didn't talk to each other, even if it was only a quick text. She is my bestestestest (don't worry, I asked my dear friend Weber, it's a word) friend in the world, and I will miss her mucho! Lova ya Em! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Watch out Paraguay!! Here Comes Sister McIntyre!

Better late then never right?? Sorry I get behind and then time just gets away from me but no excuses! I'm been slackin and I will do better! Okay. So I have been called to serve in the Paraguay Asuncion Mission and I report on August 15, 2013 to the Argentina MTC. I will be speaking Spanish too so if I come back with an making fun! Deal? If you would have asked me a year ago if I would go on my mission my answer would have been, "....nah." But as soon as I dug into the Book of Mormon and really understood it, I realized that I needed to tell everyone and anyone about the Gospel and how important it is to me. So a mission is the best way I can do that. I will miss my family and friends tons but I know that Paraguay is where I am meant to be for 18 months. :) And my family and true friends will still be here when I am back. The Gospel is an amazing thing and I cannot wait to share it with the people of Paraguay.

Facts About Paraguay:
1) The language they speak is Spanish but specifically Guarani...hmm more research will be needed for that one...
2) The colonial history of Paraguay started with Spanish settlements in the early XVI century.
Asunción - its capital - was founded in 1537 by the Spanish explorer Juan de Salazar y Espinoza.
3) Population: 6,158,000
4) Exchange Rate: 1 Guarani (PYG) = 0.0001954 US Dollar...imma be rich!!
5)  Area: 406,752 square kilometers (157,048 square miles).

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Imma Workin' Gurl!

I am seriously one lucky girl lately when it comes to getting jobs. I've heard so many stories of how difficult it is to find even one part time job. We all have heard those stories right?? Right! But for me that just wasn't the case. I got my first job at Office Depot a couple months ago and all that I had to do was go in and take my resume and they basically hired me on the spot! It was awesome!!! :) Then a couple weeks ago I was at JCPenney shopping and when I was being checked out the lady, who happened to be the hiring manager, was telling me how they are about to start hiring and that I should apply! So I went straight home and applied! Then a few days later I got a call for an interview and then last Monday I got another call letting me know that I got the job! :) I was screaming I was so happy! My first day was today and it went really well! The people are so nice and I got a feeling I'm gonna love this job! Especially the 25% associate discount!!! Woohoo! I will be working in the intimate apparel department..haha they told me that that's what would be the best match for me! I guess they know something that I don't! 

So now I work at both of these places! Come and visit me any time you want!! I love both of these jobs so much and I cant wait for the big bucks to start rollin in! I am one lucky girl to have two amazing jobs that I love and I know that it is because I need the money for my mission and not for selfish purposes. Imma workin gurl! :) This is me!!

Monday, March 4, 2013

8.1 is my New Favorite Number!! I'm done!

Okay so this picture is kinda weird..I have no clue why someone would put a flower in a picture of fat because there is no way that fat can be cute in any way! Anyways... When I woke up this morning I was petrified to step on the scale! My heat was beating so fast just thinking about it! But I followed the cleanse so well that there was no way that I couldn't lose at least a couple pounds!! I was hoping for 5 maybe 6 pounds if I was lucky cuz I didn't want to get my hopes up too high.. But I finally got the courage and stepped on the scale and I started smiling so big and jumping up and down when I saw that I was down 8.1 pounds!!!! Oh man am I happy and feeling good! 

This is only 5 pounds and I lost 8.1!! WOOHOO! :)
The only sad thing about losing weight is that my favorite jeans are a lil' big on me...:( But I can live with that fact and maybe I'll just have to go and buy me some new ones! After suffering through this cleanse I deserve that right?? I thought so! :) So I know that I've said a lot of negative things about this cleanse but it is definitely worth it in the end!!! It has helped me learn self control because after turning down some of my favorite foods, I can for sure turn down the calories that aren't even worth it! I am so glad that I was able to finish this cleanse and so grateful that it's over!! :) Man am I happy! This is me!! :) 8.1 pounds lighter! 

P.S. If anyone wants to do this cleanse the link is: 
Good Luck! You can do it!!!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

This is Some Nasty Soup..

Today is my last and final day of this stinkin cleanse! HALLELUJAH! I have never been more excited to eat normal food. Yesterday I was thinking that I could eat chicken and veggies for the rest of my life and that this cleanse could continue forever and I'd be okay. But then I woke up today and made my cabbage soup and couldn't even eat it. Maybe when it's lunch or dinner time I will be able to force some down my throat, but for now I'm stickin with water and that's alllll good with me! Cabbage, onions, tomatoes, celery, and peppers all mixed together in a broth just isn't my idea of breakfast..I'm really glad I have church and then work today because I don't know if I could handle just sitting at home doing nothing and being taunted by yummy food that is always well supplied on Sundays. I'm thinking that I will go to bed as soon as I get home from work and then when I wake up in the morning, this will all be over! Okay that's enough ranting for now. :) This is me! :)

Friday, March 1, 2013

Tomatoes and Chicken Huh?

So tomatoes and chicken are kind of a weird combo when their not accompanied with something like pasta or in a meal of some kind, but when you've had no meat for the past 4 days and the prior day all you had was bananas and milk, you don't question the weirdness and just eat up! Today hasn't been hard at all and I haven't had to keep my eyes shut while walking past the kitchen. So that's always an improvement right?! AND some good news. I decided to try on some pants that I have been too afraid to even look at for a while now and they slid on super easily and they're even a lil bit loose! Hallelujah! :) I will now reward myself with some tomatoes and chicken and maybe some water if I decide to go a lil crazy! This is me! :)

Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Hunger's Catching Up to Me! :/

So after 3 consecutive days of eating only veggies and fruit and only drinking water, I was ecstatic to be able to eat bananas and drink milk today!! But as the day has gone on, I now just wanna eat everything that's in sight! :/ Its terrible! Not to mention my mom just got knee surgery so everyone and their dog are bringing over tons of delicious food and treats! It's killin me! So as my mom and dad are eating chicken alfredo and french bread with a salad and ranch, I'm over here munch in on carrots and celery. Yummmmm....But I know that it's gonna be worth it right? RIGHT! I can do it!! Just a few more days! Stay with me here!! This is me! :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm Gonna Need Some Help..

I might be a lil crazy, who knows! But I decided to do a cleanse! My body just feels really a cleanse is the best option for that! :) I'm really gonna need some support because I don't have anyone else doing this with me. (Last time I had 2 of my sisters) Yesterday was the first day and all I got to eat and drink was water and fruit..but good thing I love fruit right!! The only down side was that I had to go #1 like nobodies business!! Goodness. You probably didn't want to know that...oh well! It' parta life. So I have 1 day down and 6 more to go! I can do this!!!! This is me! :)

Sunday, February 24, 2013

It's Skatin' Time! :)

So if you've ever been to a singles ward you start to become a little weary of the activities that are planned because sometimes they can be a titch....strange. But this activity was bound to be great because we were going to ICE WORLD!!!! It is a place where you can go and watch people make a fool of themselves and then make a fool outta yourself too! It's the best, I love it! (as Nacho would say) 

Me and Madison have gotten to be really close while home this semester. :) I don't know what I would do without her here!! :/ It would be bad news! We just skated around and had a blast chattin and laughin and fallin. Okay that last part was only for me...BUT still!

Me and my gang! (I'll award 10 gold stars to whomever can name who sings that song!) These folks are some of the best people around!! We had so much fun playing tag and helping each other up as we fell down. We all congregated at Shari's afterwords for some well earned food. I don't think the people that worked there liked us too much, but hey! We gave them money!! I couldn't have asked for a better spent night! :) I am one happy girl and this is me! :)

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Back to the Burg. :)

So last week as I was talkin to my beloved sister about anything and everything, she mentioned that the coming weekend was going to be a 3 day weekend for them. So after many hours of begging and pleading, Emily finally convinced me to drive to Rexburg and visit her. So Friday morning I packed up and headed out in Jade (my new car). I got to Rexburg and charged right into Emily's apartment and gave her the largest bear hug to ever exist because I love her and have missed her so so so much!!! We proceeded to chat for a long titch about anything and everything. :) Then I got to see Kaitlyn! (My best friend from high school. ) I hadn't seen her in ages and that was so fun to see her again! Then me, Emily, Kaitlyn, and her sister Kelsey all went to see Vocal Point (an acapella group full of attractive BYU men) It was so sweet! I could listen to them sing ALL DAY LONG! Then that night I had a girl's night with Kaitlyn which was a blast! :) Love her!! So then on Saturday me and Emily attempted to go to the Idaho Falls temple which happened to be closed for cleaning..sad day! So then we just went to Chiles and had lunch! Where we chatted and chatted and had a blast! We then did some shopping and finished the day off lounging around and having some down time. Sunday we went to Emily's ward where she is the Relief Society pres. and is a wonderful one at that! Then we watched "Little Women" and ate popcorn and drank some serious pop!! Monday was a blast as well! We played some v-ball and then exercised! It felt good do sweat a lil' bit! Okay.....a lot bit. We then got ready for the day then walked around Rexburg laughing and going crazy like we do best! I am so glad that I was able to go and see Emily a.k.a. my bestest friend in the WHOLE wide world!!!! :) I made so many memories that I will never forget! And that's it. I'm out! Peace homes!! This is me! :)